Git Hashes

Git sometimes does things like magic. But the magic it shows how it stores it information internally. Let’s discuss the fundamentals.

Okay, we have created an empty directory named git-internal and we initialised git in that directory. We can see the basic file structure inside .git folder which is the folder used by git to store all information.

Lets create a file main.go and modify so that after modification, the directory and content looks like this:

There is no change in .git directory so far. Let’s use git hash-object command to find out the SHA1 hash of main.go file using git hash-object main.go. git hash-object gives you the object id of a file, in our case main.go

Now, let’s add main.go file to git using git add main.go and see what has been changed in .git directory

If you notice then, you can see the SHA1 hash from the git hash-object main.go is used to denote a directory and a file. More specifically , first two character is used as a upper level directory, and the rest of 38 character is used to denote a file inside that directory. It’s a zlib compressed file which contains a header and the content of the file.

I suppose, this doesn’t answer clearly what is happening behind the curtain. So let’s dive into details.
In git, there is three kinds of objects

  • blobs
  • trees
  • commits

we have our main.go file. The process of generating the corresponding filename(in our case 99/fd8050e485c174e01c4e074041e41ae09bae59) and content of the file is as follows:

  • Git first constructs a header which starts by identifying the type of object — in this case, a blob. To that first part of the header, Git adds a space followed by the size in bytes of the content, and adding a final null byte
  • Git concatenates the header and the original content and then calculates the SHA-1 checksum of that new content. This SHA1 has is the same as git hash-object main.go output

Now that we know, how the SHA1 hash and the file name corresponding to that file is created. The content of that file is the zlib compressed version of value stored in store variable. To verify that, I have written a piece of code, that opens the file, decompresses using zlib format, and displays into terminal

Now this point, it should be clear that only the content of the file matters, the name or file permission doesn’t matter to this point at all. The file is just a zlib compressed data(header + file content). To prove this point, see the following picture:

Okay, now let’s create a commit and see what’s the status ? So, we run git commit -m "first commit" and let’s see what is changed in the object directory

Now, we see two new file created on this directory. So, we know 99/fd8050e485c174e01c4e074041e41ae09bae59 is correspond to the file main.go then what are the other files. To find out what is the type of object we can use git cat-file command. (Provide content or type and size information for repository objects)

So, we can see the other two types of objects in git. The tree type objects, basically holds the information

  • File permission
  • type of objects is has inside(blob/tree)
  • hash of the objects
  • name of the blob/tree(this is where, git knows about the existance of a file)

To generate the hash of the tree(b52e25f217248e21dec163465bd111bb6f723f0e)

We can see the format of the file, and how we generate these values.

For commit objects, we can see the same picture. Lets run this same thing for commit object file

Here we can see, the commit file 36/29dca9fc3a11108fcd229c8ed082ffa8761192 contains a header commit 197 and then information about tree, author, commiter, timestamp and commit message in zlib format.

The process to generate 40 byte hash and generate file content is exactly same, just the header and what information is included is different. 
store =  \0
Hash = SHA1(store)
file_name = Hash[0:2]/Hash[2:]
file_content = zlib_compressed(store)


Everyday Git

Git is the most popular version control system in modern tech world. The usage of version control system is to somehow manage all the versions of your work. Before going to the using of git, lets learn different version control system

  • Local version control: Limited to one computer, Store the difference between two versions in the disk in a special format. You can get any versioned file by adding the patch (Example: RCS)
  • Centralised version control: Many user, but only one server that contains the versioned file. Backwards is, single point of failure. If the server goes down, nobody can collaborate. If the file system crashes/ get corrupted and proper backup is not kept, then all the history loses except the snapshots stored in the users machine (Ex: CVS, Subversion, Perforce)
  • Distributed version control: Client check out recent version of files as well as all the history of the repository. These client copy is actually identical to the copy stored in the server. ( Git, Mercurial)

Git Philosophy :

  • Snapshots, Not difference: CVS, Subversion and other version control system stores a list of files, and the difference in each file for each version. Instead, Git thinks of its data more like a series of snapshots of a miniature filesystem. With Git, every time you commit, Git basically takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot. To be efficient, if files have not changed, Git doesn’t store the file again, just a link to the previous identical file it has already stored.
Credit: Pro Git
  • Nearly every operation is local: As local machine is perfect replica of the git remote server, you can almost do many things when you are off network or out of VPN.
  • Data integrity: Everything is checksummed. Git preserve integrity by checking this sum. It uses SHA-1 hash to maintain and changes in file system.
  • Data Safety: If you commit something in git, it is very much impossible to lose that piece of data.
  • Three states: Modified, Staged, Commited